Personal Relationship Coaching

Are you starting to feel distant from your business or life partner? Clearly this, if left unresolved, will cause conflict and possibly distrust. If it goes on for too long it can cause a breakdown in your relationship.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a family relationship problem or a business partner issue, because very often there is more at stake than just your friendhip and it’s important that you at least get along with each other.  Better still it helps if you value each other for what you bring to the arrangement. Relationship coaching can assist you to work through your issues


The Facts

90% of relatuonship issues are caused by either behavioural or motivator conflicts between people and  In reality it’s because we don’t understanding why people are behaving or doing things, that upsets or hurts us so much.

Fortunately we have a solution that does not involve any sort of councilling or mediation, just an understanding of why each of us do the things we do. 

It’s a very simple process with profound results!

We can

  • Identify each persons intrinsic motivators or driving forces
  • Measure the way people like to give and receive information
  • We share that with each person on their own and then share that between partners
  • Very often people participants laugh out loud as they relate to their own behaviour and start to understand and value each other.
  • We use the best tools on the market to assist us 

It’s quite simple and straightforward. I don’t want to know what the issues are, I will just ask both of you to complete our online behavioural survey and we will hold a Zoom meeting to explain what the results are.  This will take about an hour.  You will both receive a copy of the report and a comparrison report.  You will then be able to do follow up calls with me if you wish.

People start to appreciate their differences and understand what they need to do to work together effectively.

It’s these differences that can be annoying but for a team or partnership to work each partner needs to recognise the strengths of the other.